Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Frustration Thy Name is Eyelash

Halloween Scarf 2

I'm working on this scarf for Halloween, I know I have the Suede Granny Square one started, but I can't exactly wear the same scarf to school while I sell Boo-Grams for a WHOLE WEEK, can I? Yes, it's horrible synthetic novelty yarn, I know. But I LIKE it.To start with, I got the yarn on clearance for $1 a skein (yes, yes, to the yarn snobs that's still too much, I know.) It's silky and Muppet-y. I think it's the Muppetty-ness I like the most, it's just plain silly and it makes me smile. The puppies like it too, and they keep grabbing it and running out the dog door/cat flap with it. (Boa goes z-z-i-i-i-p-p-p-p as it's being pulled through the dog door at a high rate of speed.) So far I've been able to deal with any of the damage the dogs have done to it: it's sturdy, it doesn't show soiling, the leaves and bark shake right out, and I've been able to deal with the tangling. Granted, a couple of times the dogs have managed to get it off the needles, and I had to start over, but I wasn't too far along.

Now it's gotten frustrating. I'm over half finished with it, and the last time I picked it up to work on it, I knit it in the wrong direction. So this scarf that I'm knitting lengthwise and that is 5-6 feet long has one half with 13 rows and one half with 14 rows. I can rip out and pick up stitches in regular yarn, I haven't been knitting long, and it's hard, but I can do it. In eyelash yarn, SOB, it's just too hard. All that fuzz gets in the way and I can't see the little loops themselves, much less what direction they're turned. And I just DON'T WANNA start over again, I don't!! ((Foot stamping here. It makes me feel better.))


Blogger aj said...

You know, I love knitting BUNCHES but I HATE RIPPING BACK!

That's one nice thing about crocheting - it's SO much easier to frog back and fix something.

I can't even imagine how hard it would be with that yarn... I wish you luck!

5:15 AM  

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