Thursday, January 25, 2007

Warming Up

We finally started thawing out last weekend. In the first two weeks of school after Winter Break, my kids had ONE full day of school. ONE. The snow fort finally gave it's last gasp yesterday afternoon. We've had a couple of afternoons in the 50's and in a fit of I'm-Ready-For-Spring-After-All-Those-Snow-Days-Fever I succumbed to primroses for the planters on the back fence:

Sherry 191

I'm ready for some sun. It's easier to give in to wallowing in self-pity when it's dark and cold, and I can wallow with the best of them.

My friend Missy has just been diagnosed with thyroid cancer. My friend Janae is moving to Utah and has a big "For Sale" sign in her yard which is making the impending move ominously real. My husband and I are in an "I love you, BUT. . ." cycle. I think most couples go through that periodically: "I love you, BUT (fill in the blank) is making me crazy." I haven't been feeling healthy. Some idiot-child at the middle school left an obscene note on my vehicle while I was in a meeting on Tuesday.

I do have some swap packages that are out in the mail, though. Without giving it all away, here's a peek:

Teaser Cat Toy Swap

That's for a cat toy swap.

And for the Potholder Swap:

Teaser Potholder Swap

I'm going to lay off the swaps for a while. I've also decided to cut back on my school volunteer responsibilies. That's kind of a big one, seeing how I'm one third of the PTO. I need time to do spring cleaning, and to work on some projects around the house. I need to put in some time for family and friends. I need to see if losing some weight will make me feel better, the way my doctor-husband keeps telling me it will. (Sometimes having a doctor-husband, particularly a skinny doctor-husband, is a pain in the butt.) I need to get those primroses planted. I need to spend more time walking the dogs. The dogs are fetch-impaired. We need to work on that.


Blogger Jennifer said...

i'll think happy spring thoughts for you!

5:08 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Primrose is very therapeutic, fill the yard with them... and the house for that matter.

It's 9 degrees here, the way winter should be but yoyoing from 70 to 9 degrees is making me schizo.

If all else fails, you can move to houston with me and we can burn our houses down - go here and you'll see why

5:31 AM  

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