Checking in
.I did finish the second part of the Wilton cake decorating course. I have a beautiful "cake" to show for it. I use the term "cake" loosely since I suffered from cake failure about an hour before class. In a panic I ran down to the craft store and bought a sheet of styrofoam, which I cut into 4 oval layers, stuck together with toothpicks, and iced. Everyone in class was very impressed when I sailed in (late) with my cake. "Wow, your's looks GOOD, my icing is all full of crumbs!" I 'fessed up right away, and found out a couple of other women had the same trouble I did, underbaked cake that sank in the middle, but they threw theirs back in the oven. Evidently the oval pans they provide in the Part II kit need more baking time than 8" rounds, but I had tested mine, I swear.